What a nightmare - But I'm on my way BACK

by Neil
(SF Bay Area, CA, USA)

My new life is just beginning as I finally have a cause for my severe pain. And with a cause comes a fix, right? I hope so.

I'm 51 years old and for the past 6 years I've had a terrible pain in my mid to lower back on the left side. The pain got worse and more frequent as the years passed. In early '09 the pain came on and stayed, severely. I went out on disability. Over these past years Doctors thought it was my colon, my stomach or other parts of my GI tract. I tried to tell them otherwise. Continually they gave me a clean bill of health yet I was still in severe pain. They gave me so many drugs such as Xanax, Ativan, Valium, muscle relaxers, antidepressants I could open a pharmacy. All these drugs did was screw me up more and give me anxiety and panic attacks.

It was my psoas major muscle that has been spasming all these years causing severe pain. Doctors at many well know hospitals here in SF Bay Area in CA never even tried to check my muscles, rather gave me several colonoscopies, MRIs, CTs even a capsule endoscopy. I even have a red irritation where the hip bone has rotated so bad it's damaging the skin near sacrum/coccyx area. It took my internet searching to finally find it and demand to see a Doctor of Osteopathy who would listen to me and then examine me. Turns out I have severe left pelvic hip torsion. My left leg measures considerably longer from the hip. My buttocks hurts daily. As I said, It's so bad it rubs surfaces where it sticks out next to my sacrum when I sit.

Now I just started seeing a Physical Therapist 3 times a week to try and slowly rotate it back. I am upset it took so long and spent well over 1 million dollars of medical insurance money cause doctors don't want to listen to you. Be persistent and also, listen to your body. It's normally right.

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Oct 19, 2012
Bay Area Specialists?
by: Eric


I'm glad to hear you were able to find a D.O. that was able to diagnose your back issues and set you on the road to recovery.

I live in San Francisco, CA and am only 23 but I have similar issues to you.

Would you be able to post the contact information for any specialists you might recommend?

Thank you very much for your help,


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Stephen O'Dwyer, cnmt

Neuromuscular Therapist & Pain Relief Researcher

Stephen O'Dwyer, CNMT


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