Hello, I just came across your program and it’s amazing. But I do have a question.

Is there a specific reason as to why each phase should be done one day at a time?

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Nov 05, 2020
Thank you for your question
by: Stephen

Thank you for your question.

I set it up this way to account for a wide variety of capabilities and problems. Thus a very conservative schedule.

However, you can certainly modify this as you progress through the program.

If you're feeling well and having no adverse effects you can begin to combine the phases on a given day.

Just a general word of caution that it's easy to become overly zealous and do too much.

So add a little bit at a time, see how you feel over 24-48 hours and see how you feel.


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Stephen O'Dwyer, cnmt

Neuromuscular Therapist & Pain Relief Researcher

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