3 Years of Recurring Hip Pain

by Kelly
(Murray, KY)

I never knew what happened to make my hip begin to hurt. I am a runner. I was running 4-5 miles per day with longer runs on the weekend. My hip started hurting after I would finish my run.

It felt like a deep pain inside my hip. I went to an ortho doctor and had X-rays, exams etc. He said nothing was seriously wrong so sent me to a physical therapist. PT said it was my IT band and he did stretches and scraped my IT band externally.

I wanted to feel some relief, but really never did. I stopped running finally after the pain got so bad that it would wake me up at night. I still have pain when I lay down in bed and cross my legs, right over left or left over right. I began feel sore to the touch on the top of my pelvic bone, the iliac crest.

So, I just stopped working out and began yoga. While doing yoga the pain will subside. I began to feel better, I think due to the yoga. It was hot yoga and I loved the great stretches. BUT... I wanted to keep my weight down and needed to lose the 10 lbs I had gained after I stopped running so…

I began to run again. It only took about 1 month and my hip was hurting again, especially at night when I lay in bed. The pain is not so bad as it was and not up in my iliac crest yet. I know that the yoga helps.

I believe that this is not my IT band but rather my TFL as well as iliopsoas syndrome. I am going to begin isolated stretches for the TFL to see if this will fix my hip. It really is a life altering issue for a runner and exercise junkie...


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Nov 28, 2012
TFL and Iliopsoas seem likely
by: Stephen from Lower Back Pain Answers

Hi Kelly,

It does seem likely that both the TFL and iliopsoas may be involved in causing your pain.

Especially in runners (I'm a runner), the TFL can often overwork when the iliopsoas becomes dysfunctional in some way.

See my article about the tensor fascia lata here:

Tensor Fascia Lata

Treatment for both these muscles may well produce good results.

I would also suggest you look into the "barefoot running" style of running.

By running with a more hopping motion (it's like running in place on hot coals) there's much less stress on the body overall.

And using a low or no heel running shoe allows your foot to go through the full range of motion. (I use the Merrill Trail Glove).

Check out videos for this on YouTube.

Wishing you all the best!

Stephen @ LBPA

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Stephen O'Dwyer, cnmt

Neuromuscular Therapist & Pain Relief Researcher

Stephen O'Dwyer, CNMT


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