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2 Solutions for Back & Hip Pain Your Doctor Didn’t Mention - Back Answers Newsletter #006
April 19, 2015

A Newsletter
from Lower Back Pain Answers


In this issue of Back Answers...

1. JUST RELEASED - An instantly streamable online version of my popular DVD program has just gone live!

2. Understanding Lower Back Pain: Four Essentials Realities

3. Coming Soon: Stretching 4 Relief - A brand new video series.

1. JUST RELEASED: Self-Treatment for Iliopsoas Syndrome now instantly streamable

After receiving many requests for the online version of my popular DVD program, "Healing the Hidden Root of Pain," I have just released an online version that is instantly streamable.

Check it out here...

Healing the Hidden Root of Pain: Self-Treatment for Iliopsoas Syndrome

For those who are uncertain if Iliopsoas Syndrome might be the cause of your unexplained back, hip or leg pain, I invite you to read my article...

Iliopsoas Syndrome: The Hidden Root of Pain

This article explains how a dysfunctional iliopsoas muscle can be responsible for a wide variety of pain and discomfort in the back, hip, and leg that has defied a diagnosis.

2. Understanding Lower Back Pain: Four Essentials Realities

Over the past twenty-five years treating lower back pain, I've always made it a practice to educate my clients about what I'm doing and why.

My reason for this is simple:

I've witnessed again and again that when clients become active agents in their own recovery the likelihood of lasting pain relief increases dramatically.

Here are four essential realities about your body that, when fully appreciated, can greatly aid in your recovery from all kinds of pain, including back pain:

1. The body is a tensegrity structure
2. The body is interconnected from head to toe by a fascial web
3. The fascia can tighten, shorten, and become adhered between the muscle sheaths
4. Improving overall flexibility is the single most powerful self-treatment available for relieving pain in the body

See full article here...

Understanding Lower Back Pain: Four Essential Realities

3. COMING SOON: Stretching 4 Relief

I am in the process of developing a huge database of videos targeted at relieving pain in the body.

These videos will provide extremely detailed guidance for stretching, strengthening, somatic movement, and yoga practice.

My aim is to provide guidance for every imaginable problem, need, age, ability, and situation -- and to do it all under one easily navigable umbrella (rather than you having to search endlessly through youtube videos of varying degrees of quality).

Stay tuned to this newsletter as I will be making announcements about the progress of these videos in regular intervals.

That's all for now!

Wishing you well,


by Stephen O’Dwyer, CNMT
Lower Back Pain Answers
1 Mill St. – Ste 226
Burlington, VT 05401

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